Tribute Wall
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2 tree(s) planted in memory of Robert Balcombe
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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Bob's headstone
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Wesley & Mistyjean
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Karen, Fae, George & Mistyjean
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Mistyjean & Joan
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

George & Mistyjean Brown
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Bobs brother Mike
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Memorial favor
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

memorial pin
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023



Memorial Bulletin
Kay Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Jack & Dorinda Blease uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Jill & Mike Balcombe uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Karen Flynn uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


318 Auxiliary uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Charlotte Sallee uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Lacey & Tumwater Auxiliary uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Diane District 5 uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


District 5 Auxiliary uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Tammy Donohue uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Cindy Burkey uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Melinda (neighbor) uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Patti Bryant uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Card from Patti Bryant
Debbie Madrid uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Card from Debbie & Paul Madrid
Fae (Cousin) uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Fae (Cousin)
State Farm uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


State Farm Office (Montesano, WA)
David Lidren uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


From David, Anne Marie & Matthew
Pam Harding uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, July 4, 2023


From The Hardings
Kerry Hansen posted a condolence
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
My mother passed away Feb 2019. While I was sitting writing the Eulogy, I happened to look outside and it had started to snow those big wet snow flakes and I at that moment thought, “Tears from Heaven”. And now on the day of Bob’s Memorial after a month of dry weather, it is raining, “Tears from Heaven”!
I AM KERRY HANSEN I am not comfortable being in front of crowds, but For Bob and his family, I want to tell you about my best friend Bob Balcombe, but I will have to read this rather than taking it from memory. Isn’t it something, I can’t remember why I go to a particular room but I can remember catching my first big trout, a 15 ½” Cutthroat trout in the Dellenbaugh creek in Chehalis in 1945 as a little 6 year old kid.
I was told I have 1-2 minutes, not sure I can do that, might take a little longer, my time has probably already expired.
Bob and I had many things in common, some of them are: NAVY VETS (I was a few years before him), WE LIKE DOGS, LOVED FISHING, CUSTOM ROD BUILDING AND REPAIR.
Someone did not want their dog, An Australian Shepard I think, and were going to put it down, Bob wasn’t having that and took over his care and the two of them were inseparable. His dog is really missing Bob. Thankfully his family is taking over for him.
I first met Bob at a Custom Rod Builder Seminar at the Lamiglas plant in Woodland, WA. Later in years I met his new wife and best friend Karen. Over the years Bob and I gave many presentations about our rod building expertise. Bob was exceptionally skilled at repairing Cork Grips. He had a method of replacing only the damaged rings without having to remove the whole grip. We both looked forward to those seminars and seeing old friends from around the US and other countries including England. We learned and we taught. If you go to some of the photos of Bob, you will see him giving a presentation as well as one where he is making his own fishing rod blank thus really making his own fishing rod.
We made many fishing trips, mainly to Westport. I was the one person who he could go with because I was willing to look out for him and learn about his medical equipment. You see Bob had some extremely bad health problems and due to Karen’s efforts, he got to enjoy many additional years. You see he had terrible Diabetes; he was a Brittle Diabetic and had a pump plumbed into his side. It was very complex, but with Karen’s skill she instructed me on its operation in case of an emergency. I and my son, Daughter-in-Law and Grandson would always be listening for that little machine when it Beeped to warn that something was bad and needed attending. The skipper and the Deck hands and those new fishermen around him would tell Bob, “Your machine is Beeping”. If Bob was here, he would be Smiling about that. He would go into the cabin and “fix it”. Bob could hardly hear it because his hearing was worse than mine. Also, if I noticed him slurring his words, I knew he needed some juice, a cookie or something. He made the best of things, he never complained. You see he was also legally blind; I mean how would you react if you had to have the fluid in your eye ball replaced with some kind of “OIL”. So doing what he loved like building a Fishing Rod, he had to concentrate very hard and persevere. He also repaired fishing reels. He serviced some of mine with no parts left over after completely assembled, LOL.
Bob had a great sense of humor.
forgetting his medical problems, he loved fishing so much that even with the boat tossing around in the rough water, he still managed to fish.
Bob was an expert fisherman and used to write an article in a fishing journal and also helped others.
Bob sometimes left some of his things unattended and the little puppies in the home got them, like his hearing aids. One day, Karen while sitting on the front deck, noticed a puppy out in the drive way tossing something in the air, chasing it and tossing it up in the air again it was having a great time. The pup had gotten hold of Bob’s dentures and was having a ball!
There are two types of people in this world, there are GIVERS and there are TAKERS. Bob was a GIVER, and If you needed help, Bob, if he could, would help.
BOB was a Nice Caring GUY who lived with a lot of bad medical issues yet he never complained, he always had a smile on his face and he made friends everywhere he went. He became like one of our family. When My Grandson started to fish on the Salmon charter at WestPort, he was a small 8 year old boy and needed his Mom’s help to hold up the rod while he reeled in a salmon. Matthew was Captivated by Bob. He said Bob was so smart about fishing and most importantly he said, “Bob was a good listener”. Over the years, Matthew got very close to Bob. So now Matthew recently has turned 16. He is 6’ and last year he started Football, Wrestling, and Track and he excelled in all of them. His Mom and Dad delayed telling him about Bob. They were concerned how he would take it. As expected there were immediate tears and Matthew asked WHY BOB HAD TO GO, it wasn’t fare!
Thank You for coming to celebrate Bob’s Life.
Kerry Hansen
Wesley Merritt uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




+ 1
Bob, was not just my Dad but my friend. Bob taught me how to wrap an build a fishing pole. We went fishing at stump lake and the river quite a bit at friends landing he help work on Friends Landing and putting it together. Bob really loved my Mom, Mistyjean, and Me we had lots of fun not just fishing but camping and the games we played at home. We played a lot of tricks on each other Bob had not had driver’s license in many years but he was a good driver I let him drive on the back roads sometimes. I am sure mom knew of the things we did but weren’t suppose to but she really didn’t mind if health and diabetes was taken care. I will miss him but always love and remember him in my heart forever and even catch some fish in his honor. Love you Dad Bob Rest In Peace Your son Wesley Merritt
Gyp you dog is doing good everyone is giving him lots of attention. gyp really like your brother Mike but Mike could tell Gyp miss you.
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Card from Pastor Jack and Dorinda
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023


From R. Iles
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

From Stacie Hambleton
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 20, 2023




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Karen Balcombe posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
A memory from Bob's wife Karen Balcombe
Bob was not just my husband by my best friend. He and his health were always a top priority before me. It wasn’t easy and at times we butted heads but there was always love and caring. Bob was a kind, loving, man that loved God, his country, his Family, and his friends.
He loved life and the joys it brought he enjoyed rod building, fishing, fixing reels, and writing articles about fishing. His favorite song was “My old Poppa” and loved to sing that song when fishing or working and sometimes he would sing it to me on the porch. He had the most awesome smile that would make anyone smile and light up the room. He could be mischievous at times though. We played word games, set by the fire, camped, took road trips across the US, and fished.
We were sturgeon fishing one night and Bob fought his pole for almost an hour and kept saying this has to be the biggest one yet, well it was big already but not what he expected it was a man’s full-body insulated underwear. We laughed setting on the ground just looking at his catch.
When Bob and I first got together he would tell me almost daily you and your kids must be my angels as well as your Mom and Dad. He said never had he lived such a happy life before we met. We had many laughs, jokes, and pranks yet he cared for and was concerned for all of us making sure we understood his diabetes and state of health.
The first time Bob met my parents, we were sitting on the couch at my folk's house. I said hey Dad, Bob says Mom is Beautiful and has sexy legs. My Dad smiled and ask Bob so you like my wife and think she has sexy legs? Bob swallowed hard and said well sir I didn’t know it was your wife when I said that. To Bob’s great relief, Dad smiled and said well I agree with you happy you noticed and laughed. Bob and I got a kick out of that and Bob told me he thought he was going to get his Fanny kicked and that my Dad was a big dude he was sure happy my dad had a good sense of humor. We had some great times and teased a lot.
Wesley and Bob used to sneak up on each other and give each other wedgies. Until one day Bob was able to stretch and rip Wesley’s underwear as Wesley had done to Bob many times. The two had lots of fishing adventures and lots of pranks.
Misty and Bob were sure not lacking in family play time. One of my favorite memories of them was earlier in the day Bob bought a new rope for fishing he was so proud of that rope he carried it around practicing knots & that evening when Misty went to the bathroom he jumped out of his chair and proceeded to take his new rope and tie it to the door handle then to the two door handles to the right & left. He had a nice web then he took off to the computer room to rearrange things on her computer.
While he was busy with her computer she had managed to get the bathroom door open a good inch she saw Bob's pocket knife on the bathroom counter and used it to cut up Bob's new rope. Misty got free then she took his rope and made a lasso out of it. She then snuck up behind him sitting in her computer chair and roped him, put him to the floor gently, then tied him up like you would a calf, straddled him and she put her hand in the air and yelled “yee haw” and walked off leaving him there for a bit while she checked her computer, then told him hey didn’t anyone ever tell you not to mess with a cowgirl.
We may have brought Bob joy, love, and a crazy fun house but he gave it back 10 fold. Bob will be missed I praise God for the memories he has allowed us to keep and for the time we were granted to enjoy our lives together. Bob was my world I was and still am very happy to have his name Balcombe. I didn’t just love Bob I loved his Dad, Mom, his brother Mike and kids. Bob loved God, his country, and his family. Forever your wife Karen Balcombe.
Dr. Mistyjean Brown posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
In Memory of Dad!
A Veteran who served our country.
Son who loved his mom and dad.
A husband who loved his Wife.
Dad who cared for his kids.
Assisted me with college math till got too advanced ;-).
Handed me off in marriage to my loving husband and Veteran George Brown. He helped out on our local rivers so folks can fish in them. Was there for me when I had surgeries and I was there for all of his.
We took many fun family trips both long and day trips. The best yet remembered family trip was when we went to Sequim and Dad said I will go empty the black tank. Well, the next thing we know he screamed for help and looked out and he was trying to catch the poo with his hands cause he forgot to hook the Sewer hose up. Boy did he stink! He so reminded me of the movie RV.
We went fishing and clam digging together many times.
Hiked a few trails over the years. I think our favorite two spots were the bunkers at Fort Warden and then the Navy campgrounds at Pacific Beach. We were both looking forward to going there this summer.
That smile of his, when you were like oh no you won’t do that. Well, I got him back many times.
I was there with you till your last breath and would do it again in a heartbeat. As I stated there during that time we will take care of Mom and your dog Gypsy.
Dad, by the way, we enjoyed the heat last weekend I ran the water hose for Gypsy and smelled like a wet dog afterward. Wesley got him to a lovely groomer this last week and he is so soft and fluffy now. You would have loved it.
Until we meet again in Heaven. You will be missed by me no doubt as I have no one to pick on now and to go on walks. I know you will be missed by many others.
Many hugs and kisses to you BobbieSue, I just had to say it one last time. Lots of laughs!
Love always and forever your daughter
Dr. Mistyjean Brown
Tena Golder posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
My favorite memory of Bob was the day he came out on to the deck wearing what I thought was an unusual Seahawks hat.... Karen and I kept staring at the hat and finally Karen realized it was the headrest cover for the car.... We told Bob and he just shrugged and said oh well it works ..lol
David Lidren uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bob's favorite corner on board Captain Jeff's boat "The Advantage" Westport, WA.
David Lidren uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

A rare, endless fog rainbow Bob got to witness while Salmon fishing
David Lidren uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 30, 2023




+ 2
Our family will truly miss Bob and will always cherish the times we spent together.
It was over a dozen years ago that I (Dave) started fishing together with Bob and (papa) Kerry; a few years later Matthew, who could just barely hold a rod, and Anne Marie joined in the annual fishing trip fun to Westport, WA. Our son Matthew and Bob took to each other instantly and seemed to talk to each other about whatever came up for hours.
Bob was always a trooper - getting up at 4 AM to go for 10 hour days of fishing, never complaining and just happy to be out on the water doing what he loved so much. Me and Bob joked about him needing a little hoist into the big truck then onto the boat to his usual lucky spot in the back corner. A great place to sport one of his finely wrapped fishing rods too! While on board Bob seemed to enjoy reflecting on life and of course telling fishing stories. He always participated in the catch, even while the captain was yelling "your beeping Bob!" At the end of our long days we all enjoyed dinners, put together by Dixie (and with some of the fresh catch of the day) while sitting in the cabin yard watching the local deer pass through.
Each year, after the 3 days of fishing, we looked forward to sharing our great tales with Karen on the front porch of their home and deciding who had the caught biggest Salmon this time.
Matthew has taken this loss deeply - he has truly looked up to Bob for as long as he really can remember. He wanted to be sure and share that what he would miss most about Bob "was the way he shared his knowledge with me and the fun way he had of explaining things with such good spirit."
"Your only young once but you can be immature forever" said the plaque on the wall at the fishing cabin - Bob loved that saying and we loved him!
Our friend will be dearly missed, with fond memories and our sincere condolences,
David, Anne Marie and Matthew Lidren
David Lidren posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Our family will truly miss Bob and will always cherish the times we spent together.
It was over a dozen years ago that I (Dave) started fishing together with Bob and (papa) Kerry; a few years later Matthew, who could just barely hold a rod, and Anne Marie joined in the annual fishing trip fun to Westport, WA. Our son Matthew and Bob took to each other instantly and seemed to talk to each other about whatever came up for hours.
Bob was always a trooper - getting up at 4 AM to go for 10 hour days of fishing, never complaining and just happy to be out on the water doing what he loved so much. Me and Bob joked about him needing a little hoist into the big truck then onto the boat to his usual lucky spot in the back corner. A great place to sport one of his finely wrapped fishing rods too! While on board Bob seemed to enjoy reflecting on life and of course telling fishing stories. He always participated in the catch, even while the captain was yelling "your beeping Bob!" At the end of our long days we all enjoyed dinners, put together by Dixie (and with some of the fresh catch of the day) while sitting in the cabin yard watching the local deer pass through.
Each year, after the 3 days of fishing, we looked forward to sharing our great tales with Karen on the front porch of their home and deciding who had the caught biggest Salmon this time.
Matthew has taken this loss deeply - he has truly looked up to Bob for as long as he really can remember. He wanted to be sure and share that what he would miss most about Bob "was the way he shared his knowledge with me and the fun way he had of explaining things with such good spirit."
"You're only young once, but you can be immature forever" said the plaque on the wall at the fishing cabin - Bob loved that saying and we loved him!
Our friend will be dearly missed, with fond memories and our sincere condolences,
David, Anne Marie and Matthew Lidren
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023




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Dad in Navy Uniform....
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023




Dad Graduation
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023



Dad, Wesley and George
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023




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Dad baby pictures
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023


Dad Graduation picture
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023

Brian Pearson (grandson)
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023

Dad and Uncle Mike
Karen Balcombe uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023




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Robert Balcombe as kid
Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023


Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023


Karen Balcombe Posted Jun 2, 2023 at 5:08 PM
This was a very fun time in our lives we enjoyed joking around laughing we had these pictures taken to send to his Mom and Dad in Australia. The got a kick out them. I was so blessed by the Balcombe family I love all them and was an honor to have their name and love back. To this day I still smile when I see these pictures and memories made.
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 29, 2023

Dad and Uncle Mike
Lorna Grube posted a condolence
Monday, May 29, 2023
Missing another Garden City kid member. Robert will be missed. Nobody could tell stories like Robert. Condolences to his family. ♥️
Dr. Mistyjean Brown posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, May 29, 2023

"America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." – Harry S. Truman
Kerry Hansen posted a condolence
Friday, May 26, 2023
Bob was my Best friend. We were both Navy Vets and Custom Fishing Rod builders. We met about 1980 at a Custom Rod Makers Seminar in Woodland, WA at the Lamiglas factory. Karen his wife and he attended each year as I did and it was always a memorable meeting. we talked about Fishing Rod building and gave presentations on how to do various Rod Building tasks to new and old builders. Bob and I made many fishing trips out of West Port, WA for Salmon or Rock Cod. It was never a dull trip. Bob loved making and repairing fishing rods and was very good at repairing Fishing reels. My Grandson Matthew Idolized Bob. You would never meet a more generous kind hearted good listener soul as Bob. Karen and Bob were a great team. I am going to truely miss his kind happy words.
Kerry Hansen
Rosalind Nevitt posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
I met Bob through my husband Rich Nevitt who was a lifelong friend. There are so many memories but what stands out for me is that he was just a plain good guy. Which is rare these days. And the mayonnaise sandwich with a little bit of tuna that he made for me once. Let’s just say it was memorable.
He will be missed.
Rosalind Nevitt
Karen Balcombe uploaded photo(s)
Friday, May 19, 2023




+ 1
Bob loved life and enjoyed nature he looked forward to visits from family and friends sharing stories of the past but fishing was his favorite thing to talk about and do.
Wesley Merritt uploaded photo(s)
Friday, May 19, 2023

I’ll miss our adventures to the track and out fishing you ol grumpy man but will relieve our memories till we meet again you will be missed grea
Rick Rauenhorst posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
The loss of a parent is never easy. Unexpected loss is especially hard. I’ve been there, I know the shock, disbelief, grief, pain, and sadness. Be strong, take care of yourself and family, trust that things will be OK. Keep on keeping on.
Karen Balcombe posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Karen Balcombe lit a candle
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Karen Balcombe uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 16, 2023



Bob (Good Wraps Bob) building a Rod at a Seminar, something he loved to spend time doing
Love you and miss you Bobbie
Dr. Mistyjean Brown posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

For your bravery hard work and dedication to our country, we thank you.
Dr. Mistyjean Brown uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 15, 2023




+ 4
Fae Baker planted a tree in memory of Robert Balcombe
Monday, May 15, 2023

He was quite the fisherman him n uncle Dutch love talk n going fishing We had a fun times in McClaey, espicaly when we got to drive. Miss you. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Robert W Balcombe uploaded a photo
Monday, May 15, 2023

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Robert Balcombe
Friday, May 12, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at McComb & Wagner Family Funeral Home and Crematory - Shelton Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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King - Pierce - Kitsap
Thurston - Mason
Lewis - Grays Harbor
Jefferson - Pacific